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Tumor immunotherapy and gut microbiota

Tumor immunotherapy is an emerging approach for cancer treatment, which primarily aims to stimulate the body's immune system to enhance its ability to control and eliminate tumor cells. It was recognized as one of the "Top Ten Scientific Breakthroughs" in 2013 by the journal Science. The gut, being an integral part of the lymphatic system, houses over 70% of T cells and serves as a residence for the majority of memory T cells. The gut microbiota interacts with the host immune system through various mechanisms such as direct physical contact, metabolites, and alteration of intestinal mucosal composition. In early 2018, the renowned journal Science published three influential articles emphasizing the significant impact of the gut microbiota on tumor immunotherapy, confirming that the composition of gut microbiota can influence the efficacy of cancer immunotherapy.

Experimental methods

Whole-exome sequencing, 16S amplicon sequencing, metagenomic sequencing, metabolomics analysis, and germ-free animal models.

Technical workflow

Presentation of analysis results

Application areas/h1>

The application of tumor immunotherapy and gut microbiota research using multi-omics approaches, including exome sequencing, metagenomics, metatranscriptomics, and metabolomics, aims to investigate the association between tumor immunotherapy efficacy, prognosis, side effects, and the gut microbiota. It seeks to uncover the mechanisms by which the gut microbiota influences tumor immunotherapy outcomes, identify gut microbiota biomarkers for predicting treatment efficacy and prognosis, and develop novel microbial-based interventions to enhance the effectiveness of tumor immunotherapy. These endeavors contribute to the advancement of clinical cancer treatment. The research on tumor immunotherapy and gut microbiota can be applied to different cancer types and various immune therapy strategies for investigating the gut microbiota.